
Using Video for Real Estate Marketing is no longer up and coming… it’s here

The first few things that came to mind when someone mentioned video to me were things like

  1. “I sound weird on video”
  2. “What would I even say in a video?”
  3. “Even if I did make it… What do I do with it?”

So here is my advice to those of you hesitant to jump on board with video.

#1. “I sound weird on video”

For this one, my only advice is Get used to it! The more you practice using video, the more comfortable you will become with it. This goes for a vairety of different reasons: Feeling awkward on camera, not knowing what to look at, not feeling confident enough to speak in front of people, or even thinking that you sound weird.

…And you didn’t think that Speech class you took in High School would ever prove to be valuable

#2.  “What Would I Even Say on Video?”

Well, to put it simply, just about anything.

Did you run into a question with a client that you think other people could benefit from knowing the answer to? Did you hit your sales goals this year? Do you just want to say thank you to your friends and family for supporting your career goals? Do you have a client that you think would be comfortable on camera, and also loves that you helped them find their dream home?  Do you have an opinion about 2 or 3 things you think ever homeowner should do before listing?


#3.  “Even if I did make it… What do I do with it?”

Convincing yourself to make the video is the hard part. Once you have the video, post it anywhere and everywhere. Use that video on your website, FB Business Page, Twitter, instagram, youtube channel, etc.

The more exposure you give your video, the more likely a viewer becomes a client!

Now that you are ready to make a video, here are a few videos from CBeCast about apps that CB recommends for making your video!